There can be some big disadvantages for using free domains as your web address. Here are some reasons you may not want a free domain name from a free host service.One of the biggest problems with free domains is that they make you look unprofessional. When you get a domain from free hosting services they make you use their front end subdomain. For instance, your website name will look like "". With that kind of domain name you are making it obvious to everyone that you are using a free service. Your visitors may lose confidence in your abilities. Plus, it doesn't look good on a business card. These types of domain names are for just creating a practice site of one for fun.
Absolutely Free Domain Names
Searching on various forums on website development and domain names, I'm just amazed to see how many people are searching for absolutely free domain names. Now one thing to note, is that there isn't really such a thing as an "absolutely free domain name." There always seems to be a catch. In fact, the brick and mortar offline world is really no different than the online world. Is there really such a thing as things really being "being free?"
Free domain names, usually means that you're going to have web-hosting that has some form of advertising on it that you won't be able to control. Not only that, you won't be able to make money from these advertisements either. Dealing with restrictions may be a hassle as well. Just like we've discussed, there's really so such thing as absolutely free domain names.
Free Domain Name and Cheap Web Hosting Review
Free domain names and cheap web hosting packages are everywhere! In fact, there are thousands of companies that offer free domain names and cheap web hosting packages. Luckily for you, I have spent hours and hours carefully reviewing the "best of the best" free domain names and cheap web hosting packages.
Free domain names are the easy part for a person or business that wants to launch a website; you either get one or you don't. (We'll focus on the web hosting providers that do offer free domain names.) Cheap website hosting is the real challenge though. Yes, cheap web hosting is cost-effective and preferred, but you should select your web hosting company based on cost and the kind of hosting services you require.
How and Why of Giving Away Free Domain NamesAccording to their website, "Dot TK is a joint venture of
the Government of Tokelau, it's communication company
Teletok and Taloha, Inc., a privately held company. The
Government of Tokelau has appointed Taloha, Inc. as the
exclusive registration entity."
Of course, for free .tk domains, ownership remains with
Dot TK. This means that you can't sell it. As well, there
are other restrictions and disadvantages of free .tk
domains, including:
* You can register only a maximum of three free domain names;
* You need 25 visitors within a ninety day period;
* You need to have existing web content somewhere so that your dot tk name can be forwarded to it; and
* Dot TK uses frames to show your website. This being the case, you may have issues with navigation (bookmarking or finding specific pages) and search engine friendliness.
For serious business use, you might want to pay the
nominal cost for a domain name.
So if you are planning to have a serious business website then please do not rely on free web hosting or free domain name from these services. You can play around with them first to get the hang of thing then get yourself a (TLD) when you are ready for serious business.

You know Marlon right? Yep, Mr. Sanders has yet another great addition to his thirty plus informational products you can find on the Internet. So what is it? How about a nice long seven hundred and twenty page Marketing Diary of tips, tricks, methods and techniques Marlon Sanders has used to become successful on the Internet. Will it work for you? Well, you can decide for yourself.
The Five Way Unique Spin
Keep in mind this is set up like a diary. Every twist, turn, nook and cranny that he had to go through you'll get to picture in your mind. Heck, you might even be able to understand where he's coming from on many occasions, especially the growing pains. Even if you're new to cyberspace and have been looking for an online business this could be the find of a lifetime.
According to the Marketing Diary sales page he brought in over fifteen thousand dollars off of his first two products he ever established. Not a bad days work right? Even more astonishing is the fact that he did it all within a three month time frame. It just goes to show that you can produce a successful business in a short amount of time if you know what you're doing.
The good news is you will. Since he is going to show you all his trials and tribulations, it will keep you from making the same mistakes. We will tell you however that it's important to follow his instructions to a tee. We know you're excited to start making money online, so why skip over information and come back to it later. One of the biggest downfalls people make when they purchase something like this is they're impatient. You have a better chance of being successful if you follow is system religiously.
Is Time An Issue?
While we were doing a little research on the Marketing Diary we knew many of you are sitting there thinking you don't have the time. Maybe it's the kids or work that keep you busy twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week, but do you have ten minutes to spare? According to his website that is all you will need to make this happen. Think about it, you could have a secondary income coming in only utilizing a little over an hour a week or almost five hours a month.
The Protege
As you read all the information provided in the beginning you will notice that you aren't getting the Marketing Diary system straight from Marlon. It's actually coming from Matt Alders who works for Mr. Sanders. Basically it's a story you'll enjoy about how the grasshopper received help from the master and became a success in a few short months. However, we suggest you read the story for yourself to get a full understanding.
Our Overall Analysis
Listen, we haven't even touched upon all the things you're going to receive with this product. We will tell you though that after you take a look at the sales page, you'll want to know why someone hasn't offered all this information already. So if you want to learn about the Marketing Diary and all the tools it has to offer, then just take a peek. It might just be the solution you've been looking for to become successful online.